4 research outputs found

    Production line control unit

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    V tejto práci som sa venoval vývoju riadiacej jednotky výrobnej linky. Pre jej implementáciu som zvolil vstavané zariadenie Raspberry Pi. Riadiaca jednotka komunikuje s centrálnym administrátorským systémom, ktorý prideľuje jednotlivým riadiacim jednotkám programy. Tieto programy popisujú interakciu s periférnymi zariadeniami, ako aj komunikáciu s databázovým systémom dohľadateľnosti (Traceability).This work is about development of a control unit for use in a production line. The control unit is implemented in an embedded device Raspberry Pi. It communicates with central administrating system, which assigns programs to particular control units. These programs describe interaction with peripherals of the control unit and with database system of traceability.

    Incremental Inductive Coverability for Alternating Finite Automata

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    V tejto práci navrhujeme špecializáciu algoritmu inductive incremental  coverability, ktorá rieši problém prázdnosti alternujúcich konečných automatov. Experimentujeme s rôznymi návrhovými rozhodnutiami, analyzujeme ich a dokazujeme ich korektnosť. Aj keď je známe, že problém je sám o sebe PSpace-ťažký, zameriavame sa na to, aby bolo rozhodovanie prázdnosti výpočetne prijateľné v niektorých triedach automatov s praktickým využitím. Dosiahli sme niekoľko zaujímavýcch výsledkov v porovnaní so špičkovými algoritmami, predovšetkým v porovnaní s algoritmami založenými na protireťazcoch.In this work, we propose a specialization of the inductive incremental coverability algorithm that solves alternating finite automata emptiness problem. We experiment with various design decisions, analyze them and prove their correctness. Even though the problem itself is PSpace-complete, we are focusing on making the decision of emptiness computationally feasible for some practical classes of applications. We have obtained interesting comparative results against state-of-the-art algorithms, especially in comparison with antichain-based algorithms.

    Reasoning about Regular Properties: A Comparative Study

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    Several new algorithms for deciding emptiness of Boolean combinations of regular languages and of languages of alternating automata (AFA) have been proposed recently, especially in the context of analysing regular expressions and in string constraint solving. The new algorithms demonstrated a significant potential, but they have never been systematically compared, neither among each other nor with the state-of-the art implementations of existing (non)deterministic automata-based methods. In this paper, we provide the first such comparison as well as an overview of the existing algorithms and their implementations. We collect a diverse benchmark mostly originating in or related to practical problems from string constraint solving, analysing LTL properties, and regular model checking, and evaluate collected implementations on it. The results reveal the best tools and hint on what the best algorithms and implementation techniques are. Roughly, although some advanced algorithms are fast, such as antichain algorithms and reductions to IC3/PDR, they are not as overwhelmingly dominant as sometimes presented and there is no clear winner. The simplest NFA-based technology may be actually the best choice, depending on the problem source and implementation style. Our findings should be highly relevant for development of these techniques as well as for related fields such as string constraint solving

    Incremental Inductive Coverability for Alternating Finite Automata

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    In this work, we propose a specialization of the inductive incremental coverability algorithm that solves alternating finite automata emptiness problem. We experiment with various design decisions, analyze them and prove their correctness. Even though the problem itself is PSpace-complete, we are focusing on making the decision of emptiness computationally feasible for some practical classes of applications. We have obtained interesting comparative results against state-of-the-art algorithms, especially in comparison with antichain-based algorithms